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토익 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 실전 RC문제
The company's purchaser met with suppliers to procure more _______ industrial machines that utilize advanced technologies.
(A) reliably
(B) relying
(C) rely
(D) reliable
오늘의 실전 LC문제
I lost my house key, so I can’t get into the apartment.
(A) The keyboard needs to be replaced.
(B) I live apart from my parents.
(C) I’ll be there in about 10 minutes.
오늘의 무료강의

[토익] 토익적중 예상특강

[토익] 토익 리딩 무료강의
토익 자유게시판
HOT 4월 14일 토익정답 확인 [19]

4/29 최종마감★5월토익5%지원☞

자유 취준생 1달만에 390점 → 810점 달성 비법은? [0]

3번정도 더 쳤었는데 895 870 등 800 후반~극후반 점수에서 벗어나기가 힘들었는데...

영어·영어회화 무료학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 AP뉴스 받아쓰기
플로리다, 4세 이하 인구 10% 적게 집계

미국 인구 조사국에 따르면, 2020년 인구 조사에서 플로리다주의 4세 이하 어린이의 약 10퍼센트에 해당하는 약 11만 2천 명이 누락되어 집계된 것으로 밝혀졌습니다. 이는 보통 부모들이 어린 자녀를 인구 조사 양식에 포함해야 하는 사실을 인지하지 못한 데에서 비롯되는데요. 인구 통계학적 분석 결과에 따라 지역사회 내 미취학 연령 아동을 대상으로 하는 프로그램을 위한 연방 자금 등이 결정되는 만큼, 이러한 과소 집계에 대한 문제 해결이 필요한 상황입니다. 

오늘의 영어회화 학습
저는 당신의 프레젠테이션이 아주 훌륭했다고 생각해요.
I thought your presentation was first class.
오늘의 한 줄 명언
Life-transforming ideas have always come to me through books.
오늘의 영자신문 읽기
Obesity, a Misery for the Have-nots

Moderate height, chubby body, with a big and round belly used to be the typical image of rich people for a very long period in history. It is also the case in modern days. However, this has been changing in recent years and obesity is becoming a more serious problem among the underprivileged. These days, those who are affluent put much effort and time to live healthy. They go to fitness centers to work out regularly and they have a healthy, low-calorie diet that is mostly composed of beans, fruits and vegetables. But for most of low-income people and families, they just eat food items like instant noodles, junk food and high-calorie pastries instead of good, healthy meals. This is due to lack of time and money as most of them have trivial jobs that involve much labor with little pay. Most of them can’t afford to shape up their bodies in fitness centers. With such unhealthy habits, more of them gain weight. Children of low-income families also have greater possibilities of being obese as they are likely to eat junk food after coming back from school while their parents are working late. This phenomenon is supported by statistics on obesity rate announced by the government. The number of morbidly obese people has been steadily increasing in recent years and many of them belong to the low-income class. According to reports, the trend where poor people become obese is not only happening in Korea but in many other parts of the world, especially in the developing countries. It is now becoming a global phenomenon. It has been accepted that obesity in most cases, is a result of one’s carelessness, lack of desire and will to have a healthy body. That’s why fat people usually had difficulties with their job interviews, having romantic and social relationships. Obese kids have had experiences of being made fun of by their classmates in school. But under the current situation where obesity is becoming a social issue, voices calling for effective measures by the government are rising. Several advanced countries including the U.S. and France are already taking the obesity problem very seriously and the governments are implementing policies to fight against it. America's First Lady Michelle Obama is well known for leading campaigns to make school children exercise and stay away from junk food. Several countries are imposing the so-called “fat taxes” on food items that can make people become fat. Now, health care experts say that Korea should also pay more attention to the obesity issue. But instead of just following the measures implemented in other countries, more considerations on growing obesity among the underprivileged should be made. Making consumption of healthy food items like vegetables easier can be helpful and healthcare welfare policies for low-income obese people are also necessary. Of course, one’s mindset and will to stay physically fit is the most important thing above all, so promotional campaigns and proper education in schools and community centers can be helpful especially for the underprivileged class. Obesity problem is no longer a personal problem. A consensus on social efforts to resolve the problem is needed.

오늘의 무료강의

[기초영어] 영어회화 10분의기적

[기초영어] 그래머게이트웨이 무료강의
영어왕초보 상담방
HOT AP뉴스 청취 수강료 50% 지원! [79]

영어가 고민이라면? 레벨테스트로 고민해결 go

자유 중고등 영어인강 무제한+교재제공 [29]

어느 책으로 공부해야 할지, 나에게 맞는 책은 무엇일지 고민이 많으시죠? ...

기초영어 수강신청
텝스 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 실전 텝스 풀기 학습
Dieticians say _____ food can lower calorie consumption and help reduce binge eating episodes.
오늘의 실전 텝스 어휘 학습
a 적절하게, 알맞게
오늘의 무료강의

[텝스] 텝스 적중예상특강

[텝스] 텝스 리딩 무료강의
텝스 자유게시판
HOT 해커스텝스 무료자료 모음집 [12]

2022년 텝스 TEPS 정기시험 일정 안내

자유 한 달 만에 80점 올라 목표달성 성공! [4]

독해잘치면 청해못치고 청해잘치면 독해못치고 ...

토스/오픽 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 실전 토익스피킹 학습
How often do you use a laptop computer?
오늘의 실전 오픽 학습
Can you tell me what type of musical device you use to listen to music? Do you think it's convenient? Can you tell me why you use that device? Please provide details.
오늘의 무료강의

[스피킹] 토스 기출유형특강

[스피킹] 오픽 기출유형특강
스피킹&오픽 자유게시판
HOT 토스vs오픽, 나에게 맞는 시험은? [79]

"내 토익스피킹 점수 미리 예측해서, 단 1회 시험으로 졸업할 방법 없을까?!"

자유 [후기] 첫 토스 level 7 180점에 합격 :) [16]

토스VS오픽 나에게 맞는 시험 5초 무료테스트!

공무원 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 공무원 어휘 학습
답: 정답1, 정답2
  • bout
    1. ① 외부
    2. ② 현무암
    3. ③ 발작
    4. ④ 한바탕
  • persuasive
    1. ① 간지럼을 잘 타는
    2. ② 사실에 입각한
    3. ③ 설득력 있는
    4. ④ 다세포의
오늘의 무료강의

[공무원] 공무원 문법 무료강의

[공무원] 공무원 독해 무료강의
오늘의 공무원 문법 풀기

1. 다음 문장 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?
① The lawyer was outlined the terms and conditions of the merger.
② A 15 percent tipping fee has automatically been added to the bill.
③ The village community will hold an outdoor flea market next week.
④ It wasn’t easy for her to sleep comfortably because of the cold air seeping in from the window.

○① ○② ○③ ○④

2. 다음 문장 어법상 옳은 것은?

Nevertheless she becomes a consultant, she continues working at the bank.  

We have been committed to serving our customers for the past two decades.  

If the boss would have been present, the meeting could have finished earlier.  

Gretchen listens the radio on her way to school every morning.  

○① ○② ○③ ○④
공무원 자유게시판
HOT 합격 시 300%환급! 9/7급 공무원 0원패스 ☞ [0]

점점 어려워지는 공무원영어! 2022년 합격 커리큘럼 설명듣고 공부하자!

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공무원0원패스처음듣고있습니다 0원패스연장은 어디에서어떻게하는건가요? ...

지텔프 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 실전 지텔프 문법
Interthreads, a globally renowned online clothes brand, has decided to open its first main street store. Toronto, __________, is set to be the location for the shop. If business goes well, more physical stores will be established.
(A) who located the company’s headquarters
(B) where the company’s headquarters is located
(C) that the company’s headquarters is located
(D) which company located the headquarters
오늘의 지텔프 어휘 학습
답: 정답1, 정답2
오늘의 무료강의

[지텔프] 지텔프 적중예상특강

[지텔프] 지텔프 유형별 무료강의
지텔프 자유게시판
HOT 지텔프인강 0원+교재제공! 수강료 100%환급 [10]

지텔프 이론부터, 기출경향 분석까지!

HOT 2024년 지텔프 정기시험 일정 [3]

해커스지텔프 정답 실시간 확인 서비스 200% 이용하기!

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