
텝스비법노트 텝스학습에 성공한 고수들의 비법이나 좋은 학습 방법을 나누는 게시판입니다.

해커스인강, 해커스텝스, 해커스텝스인강, 텝스인강, 텝스강의, 텝스인강환급

전치사 For 에 대해서!

텝스마스터 | 조회 5808 | 추천 6
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

전치사 For


1. 기본 의미

(1). 시간/기간: We walked for two hours. (for a while)

(2). 거리: I walked for five kilometers.


(3). 목적/대상/용도: I bought this jacket for you.

We wrote to him for advice.

Sleep is good medicine for minor diseases.

He studied hard for the test.

We saw a movie for children.

What/Who is it for?

Be alert for other vehicles.

He cried for help.



(4). 관련(Concerning): For most people, life is not so exciting.

They are anxious for her safety.

We are pressed for money.


(5). 이유: He scolded(criticized) me for being late.

The city is famous for its wine.

He shouted for joy.


(6). 대가/교환: I bought the jacket for 50 dollars.

He exchanged old bills for new ones.

You can enjoy holidays for little cost.


(7). 방향: She left(started/headed) for New York.

The train is bound for Seoul.


(8). 찬성(In favor of): We are for the proposal.


(9). ~ 고려하면(Considering): The boy is clever for his age.

The price was too high for the service we got.


2. 동사/형용사/명사 뒤


(1) 동사와 함께 쓰일 경우 (목적어 앞)

▶ Did someone call for a taxi?

▶ He hopes for a raise in salary next year.

▶ I'm looking for my keys.

▶ We'll wait for her here.

▶ You go buy the tickets and I'll watch for the train.

▶ If you wish for an "A" in this class, you must work hard.

▶ 관련 동사: apply, allow, apologize, ask, beg, blame, long, mourn, pay, plead, pose, pray,

prepare, press, register, search, substitute, vouch


(2) 형용사 (또는 과거분사)와 함께 쓰일 경우

▶ Are you ready for the test?

▶ He is not qualified for the job.

▶ He has skills needed for the job.

▶ The time is ripe for action.

▶ 관련 형용사: eligible, famous, known, noted, fit, suitable, responsible, liable,

sorry, necessary, alert


(3) 명사와 함께 쓰일 경우

▶ (have) affection/compassion/sympathy for

▶ (have) respect/preference for

▶ (have) a reputation/talent for

▶ (make) allowances for

▶ (give) an excuse/reason for

▶ (take) responsibility for

▶ (pave) the way for

▶ in exchange/return for

▶ a substitute for

▶ a need/demand for



※ 주의해야 할 용법

▶ to 부정사의 의미상 주어

- It is hard for us to solve this one.

- They made it easier for corporations to fire employees.

- It takes at least 3 days for an order to be delivered.


▶ 수여동사 buy/make/get

- I bought a bike for my son.


▶ Apply to / Apply for

- apply to the university/company/authorities (대학/기업/관청에 신청)

- apply for a job/position/scholarship/admission (실제 신청할 대상을 신청)


▶ Check(Search) / Check for (Search for)

- Check your computer for errors. 컴퓨터를 점검하다 / 오류를 찾기 위해

- Check for errors. 오류를 찾아 점검하다

- Check (the kitchen) for gas leaks. (부엌을) 점검하다 / 가스 누설을 찾기 위해

- The police are searching the building for evidence. 건물을 수색하다 / 증거를 찾기 위해

- The police are searching for the missing child. 실종된 어린이를 찾아 수색하다

- Customs checked (searched) our bags for illegal items. 세관이 금지물품을 찾기 위해~


▶ Pay / Pay for

- I paid the bill/fine/tax. 직접 지불할 수 있는 것들 (요금/벌금/세금)

- I paid for the meal/gas/damage. 어떤 대상에 대해 돈을 지불하다 (식사/휘발유/피해)


▶ Watch / Watch for

- She watched TV/the baby. 지켜보다

- She watched for snakes/errors. 어떤 대상이 있는지 주의하여 보다


▶ Listen to / Listen for

- Listen to the radio. 라디오를 듣다

- Listen for any unusual sounds. 소리가 있는지 주의하여 듣다.





3. 기타 관용적 용법 및 중요 표현

● for certain(sure): 확실히 definitely; without doubt

● for a change: 기분전환으로; for the sake of variety

● for good: 영원히 permanently

● for all his wealth: ~에도 불구하고

● allow for: 고려하다, 참작하다

● but for: without ~이 없다면

● for instance: for example; as an illustration

● for a living: 생계를 위해; as a profession

● for now: 현재로서는; temporarily

● run for office: (관직에) 출마하다

● for one thing: 우선 / 한가지 이유는 (여러 이유 중에서)

● for the sake of: ~을 위해 for the benefit of; for the purpose of

● for the time being: 당분간

● ask for trouble: 화를 불러일으키다, 경솔히 굴다

● word for word: 말 그대로 (글자하나 틀리지 않고 정확히); exactly as said or written

● for the asking: 달라고만 하면, 무료로; for free; free of charge

● for the most part: 대체로, 전반적으로; mostly; for the best part

● (change) for the better(worse): 좋은(나쁜) 방향으로 ~이 변하다

● once and for all: 최종적으로, 단연코

● food for thought: 생각할 거리

● play for time: 시간을 벌다, 일부러 지연시키다

● mistake A for B: A를 B로 착각하다, 혼동하다

● (given up) for lost/dead: 실종된/죽은 것으로 단념되다

● Many people take it for granted that cars are supposed to break down. 당연히 여기다

● Can you account for your absence last Friday? 설명하다

● Students account for the vast majority of our customers. 차지하다

● register for: ~에 등록하다 enroll in, sign up for

● I suggest you read my post again for clarification on that point. 명확한 설명을 위해

● for good measure: 한술 더 떠서, 덤으로



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[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]

해커스인강, 해커스텝스, 해커스텝스인강, 텝스인강, 텝스강의, 텝스인강환급

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